How To Groom A Shih Tzu At Home [The Complete Guide]

Discover how to groom your Shih Tzu at home with easy tips for a perfect coat. Learn the best techniques for brushing, bathing, and trimming.

Grooming a Shih Tzu isn’t rocket science, but it can still be challenging for someone who has never groomed a Shih Tzu before. 

In this post, we’ll talk about tips and routines on how to groom a Shih Tzu at home, when you should visit a pet groomer, and some of the most frequently asked questions.

How to Groom a Shih Tzu at Home

The type of grooming activities you perform and how often you do them will have a major effect on both the appearance and health of your Shih Tzu puppy or dog’s skin, coat, nose, paws, and other body parts.

While there are several steps to properly grooming a Shih Tzu, none of them are too complicated on their own.

The key is to know exactly what to do, why it needs to be done, when each activity should be completed, and which items and tools to use.

This guide will assist you in grooming your Shih Tzu. The idea is for you to feel confident in sticking to a plan to make your Shih Tzu appear as lovely as they were meant to be.

Your Shih Tzu will be healthier, smell better, and look like a little prince or princess once you get into a grooming routine.

Things You’ll Need – What’s in your grooming kit?


Electric clippers for dogs are helpful equipment for grooming your dog. Electric clippers aren’t technically necessary. You can do the job with a sharp pair of rounded-end scissors, but they’ll do a better and more efficient job.


Combing is not really needed for short coats, but it is useful if you have long-haired Shih Tzus. A high-quality comb will remove any remaining mats and tangles from the body and face, leaving a neat, shiny coat.


Brushing Shih Tzu hair regularly is the best way to keep it healthy.

You will need a brush when grooming your Shih Tzu. Because you need to go through all that dense outer layer to get to that wooly inner layer, their double coat might make it difficult. 

Shampoo and Conditioner

Choose a shampoo for Shih Tzus that eliminates dirt and oils without drying out the skin.

If regular dog shampoos irritate the skin, which occurs when the skin beneath the coat turns red, and your dog develops a scratching habit around those areas, you can switch to organic shampoos. Choose a high-quality conditioner to maintain your dog’s coat lustrous, glossy, and moisturized.

Nail Clippers and Grinders

Another must-have item in your grooming kit is nail clippers. Your Shih Tzu’s nails will need to be clipped when they’re already touching or clicking the floor, so even if your groomer takes care of them during haircut time, you’ll have to do it yourself in-between visits.

Nail clippers are available in various sizes and have two basic designs: guillotine and scissors. 

Ear Cleaner, Ear Powder, and Cotton Balls

As important as trimming nails, your dog needs proper ear cleaning. When grooming shih tzu ears, liquid ear cleaners and ear powders are recommended to remove excess hair easily.

Toothbrush and Toothpaste

Brushing your dog’s teeth is very important, so always choose a toothbrush with a soft bristle to make your dog comfortable while brushing.

Avoid using toothpaste made for humans because it will result in an upset stomach and digestive disturbances.

Shih Tzu Grooming Routines (Plus Steps!)

1. Prepare everything you will need.

It is important to have a set of necessary materials you will need for grooming. You can check again the tools listed above.

You also need to find a place where your Shih Tzu can’t escape so you can groom them safely at home. If you want to groom them outside, ensure they are in a secure area like a garage or a fenced-in yard. 

If you want to groom your dog indoors, use your bathroom because you can close the door and keep the dog inside. You’ll also have convenient access to water for bathing your Shih Tzu in the bathroom.

2. Comb your Shih Tzu’s hair.

When getting your Shih Tzu ready for a bath, the first thing you should do is comb out their coat.

Brushing or combing their hair and eliminating any tangles will be a lot easier while their hair is dry than trying to remove them after they’ve been washed. Begin at the bottom (the matted hair’s tips) and work your way up, carefully working out the tangles one at a time with the brush.

This is also a perfect time to help your pet relax. Try petting and praising your Shih Tzu while it sits in your lap. This will assist in calming your dog and preparing it for grooming.

3. Give your Shih Tzu a bath.

You can bathe your dog in your sink or tub, depending on what is most convenient for you and your dog.

However, if you wash your dog with a spray nozzle attachment, it will be much easier. Wet your Shih Tzu thoroughly from the top of the head down after cleaning out all mats and tangles with your brush.

For the time being, avoid your Shih Tzu’s face. Instead, wipe their face and cleanse their eyes with a face cloth.

Apply the shampoo the same way, starting at the top and working your way down.

Rinse them off gently once they’ve been properly shampooed. Avoid getting water in their ears and protect their eyes and nose from irritation from the shampoo.

4. Trim the nails.

Cut with your fingers while holding the nail clippers in your palm. Make a quick, clean cut by inserting your dog’s nail into the opening in the clippers. This will assist in keeping their nails from fraying.

Make sure only the white section of the nail is clipped. The quick, which is live tissue, is found in the pink region and will bleed if sliced.

If you’re worried about clipping your dog’s nails, have your groomer or vet tech demonstrate how to do it and how much to trim.

You might also use a nail grinder to polish your dog’s nails back.

If your dog’s nails bleed accidentally, put some cornstarch on them to stop the bleeding.

5. Cut your Shih Tzu’s hair.

Trim your Shih Tzu’s hair with an electric hair clipper with a Number 10 blade. The Number 10 is long enough to keep your dog’s skin from being cut. 

Most Shih Tzu haircuts involve shaving the rest of the dog’s body to the appropriate length after removing the beard and ear hair on the face.

Use the trimmer to get your Shih Tzu’s hair as short as you want it.

6. Clean the ears.

Do not use alcohol-based or hydrogen peroxide cleaners because it can irritate your dog’s ears. Once you have found a quality ear cleaner, put it into the ear canal and leave it there for a few minutes or as instructed.

Do it one ear at a time, carefully massaging the ear from the base to the outside of the ear. This will aid in the removal of all debris and wax.

Wipe the area and excess solution with a Muslim cloth or cotton pads. You can use a Q-Tip to gently wipe your dog’s ear folds, but never insert it into the ear canal since this will make your dog anxious.

Continue in the same way with the next ear.

Once you are done, release your hold and let your shih tzu shake its head. 

7. Brush their teeth.

Shih Tzus need regular brushing because they have smaller teeth than other dogs. Their teeth are also jammed, having small spaces that can easily have plaque and tartar.

Use a toothbrush with two sides and dog toothpaste. Scrub your dog’s teeth and gums as gently as possible with the toothbrush. Begin slowly and gradually increase the length of your sessions as your dog adjusts to the new routine.

Helpful Tips

Always bathe and comb off mats before grooming your dog. This will not only help your Shih Tzu smell and feel better, but it is also important before hair trimming. 

It’s meaningless to groom your dog’s face if he has tear stains or has to have large pieces of hair removed.

If your Shih Tzu is hesitant to be groomed at first, run the clippers or scissors over his body without cutting the hair. This will calm him down regarding movement and noise. 

Correct your dog if they continue to be aggressive or nip at you. Take no offense or raise your voice. They’ll be able to read your feelings, making the whole process much more difficult.

Also, do not baby them during grooming, especially if they’re angry. It will serve to reinforce the behavior.

Don’t worry! With patience and love, your Shih Tzu will quickly become used to grooming and will comply.

Summary of Grooming Task

Grooming TasksHow Often
BrushingYou should brush your dog’s hair every couple of days, regardless of the length of the coat. Brushing or combing can have a specific purpose, such as removing hair mats or helping your dog shed his seasonal coat, but most of the time, you will be brushing or combing for general purposes.
BathingYou should bathe your Shih Tzu every 3 to 4 weeks. Bathing your dog frequently can reduce their coat’s natural oils, making them feel itchy. Only wash your dog when necessary, such as when it is dirty or smelly.
Hair TrimmingRegular hair maintenance is needed for a Shih Tzu. Avoid allowing their hair to touch their eyeballs to avoid irritation. 
Nail TrimmingDog nails should be trimmed or clipped about every two weeks. It is also a perfect time to trim if your dog’s nails are already touching the ground when standing. 
Teeth BrushingYour Shih Tzu needs frequent tooth brushing because their teeth are jammed into a smaller space. Plaque and tartar development are more likely as a result of this.
Ear CleaningCleaning your dog’s ears once a week is recommended. 

When Should You Bring Your Shih Tzu To A Groomer

Grooming pets is a demanding, hands-on task. While it is unquestionably satisfying, it also carries the risk of dog grooming injuries and accidents.

If you have mistakenly done a routine for your dog and are now afraid to do another task, you better seek professional help. 

They are not only qualified and competent in their work, but they may also save you time and effort. Grooming a dog, especially a fluffy one, a puppy, or one with behavioral issues, needs much attention and patience.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the right haircut for a Shih Tzu?

When it comes to Shih Tzu haircuts, you have many options. They all look good, from a top knot to a teddy bear cut.

So, when it comes to the ideal haircut, it all comes down to personal preference and how much grooming you want to perform daily. But the most popular hairstyles are the teddy bear cut and the practical top knot.

Is it okay to shave a Shih Tzu?

Shaving a Shih Tzu makes grooming much easier, but you must be prepared to take steps to keep them safe from the elements before you do so. That means finding ways to keep them warm in the winter and cold in the summer and protected from the sun’s heat.

If you’re able to do so and want to have your Shih Tzu shaved so you don’t have to groom them as often, go ahead. Keep in mind that it is your responsibility to keep your Shih Tzu safe, comfortable, and pain-free.


Above all, have fun! Grooming is quite easy to do at home because Shih Tzus are such good-natured and obedient dogs. If you take it slow and don’t rush through anything, you will find a lot of enjoyment in caring for your own dog. You can let your creativity shine through when you figure out how to groom your Shih Tzu.

We hope you have learned more about grooming a Shih Tzu at home and are now prepared to groom your pet. Good luck and happy fur-parenting!

You can get many more tips and tricks for your Shih Tzu here.

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